setting up a christmas budget

Shopping for Christmas on a Budget

Shopping for Christmas on a Budget

No matter how much planning goes into your Holiday Budget or how much thought goes into your gift ideas, that can all go out the window as soon as you walk into a beautiful store at Christmas time. I've been there too friend! ...but that's not going to be us this year! Let's get you a shopping plan!

Giving Gifts for Christmas on a Budget

Giving Gifts for Christmas on a Budget

Gifts are usually the biggest part of any Christmas Budget, and often times the thing that pushes us into over-spending or even using credit cards + wracking up debt during the Holidays; but I'm here to show you that it doesn't have to be that way! 

Planning for Christmas on a Budget

Planning for Christmas on a Budget

With Christmas right around the corner, it’s time to start planning! However, planning for something as big as the Holiday Season while living on a budget can be a challenge, so I wanted to share a few of my favorite tips for Planning for Christmas on a Budget.