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A one-of-a-kind Budgeting System for everyone!

These digital worksheets are perfect for any + every family’s budgeting needs....from beginners to pros.

If you want an automated, color-coordinated, simplified, and gorgeous way to organize your money…you’re in the right place!

This is a simple 6-tab spreadsheet system hosted through Google Sheets, full of formulas + shortcuts.

The 2024 version is now available — with an improved layout, more charts, + even simpler shortcuts!

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keep it simple with this 6-tab spreadsheet system…

1. Start Here Tab: to be used as a via point for all of the automation throughout the sheets
2. Budget Worksheet Tab:
 to be used to track every transaction + plan out future budget periods
3. Check List Tab: to be used daily/weekly to reconcile your accounts
4. Goals Tab: to be used as a tracker for debt payoff + savings progress.
5. Net Worth Tab: to be used as a tracker for wealth-building progress.
6. Summary Tab: to be used as a reference only, quick view of totals and percentages

Take a look inside…

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“Sami is so intelligent in what she does! Her spreadsheets are easy to use and understand - for all the organization needs in the financial world.” - Cassidy

“Starting with everything organized and right in front of you with every dollar listed. Everything can be so easily adjusted when adapting to different life situations and knowing exactly what you have to work with and everything has a place to go to.” - Taylor

“These sheets are great, I enter the numbers and the formulas do the work for me. I’ve tried and failed many times with budgeting, but for the first time, I’ve been on top of our budget and tracking our spending weekly. It’s easy to take a few moments every couple of days to update our transactions and know where our money is going.” - Britt

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Organize your budget today!

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Plus, you’ll get access to…

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set-up TUTORIAL video

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FREE updates

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help from sami via email

“I started using your Digital Budgeting System at the start of the new year and my mind is blown. I am so confident with how my money is accounted for. I have not “worried” about my finances for the first time in my entire life.” - Monica

"If anyone doesn’t have Sami’s budget worksheets, get them!!! They have kept me accountable with my spending and are seriously user friendly.” - Jess

“I really love using these budget sheets. It helps me to keep track of all our spending and means we can save to travel more often.” - Katie

“Before using her system. I generally knew how much was in my checking and how much I spent. I was definitely wrong about the “how much I spend” part.” - Bree