financial freedom

EP. 118 Millennial Money

EP. 118 Millennial Money

As Millennials, we live with the guilt of killing thousands of industries per day. We’re lazy and we expect things to be handed to us with no effort. We need safe spaces and avocado toast to make it through the day. We have debt up to our eyeballs, get married later in life and think of plants and dogs as our kids.

If you’ve ever heard our generation chalked up to these tropes, Episode 118 is for you. Katelyn Magnuson joins Sami on A Sunny Side Up Life Podcast to discuss how Millennials are blazing their own trails and changing the conversation around norms. Especially money norms.

How the Powersheets can help you on your Debt-free Journey

I’ll be honest, buying the Powersheets was completely out of my comfort zone, but they have literally changed my entire life! Spending money on ourselves during this debt-free journey is not always easy, but I think it’s so important to always continue to invest in our personal growth. This journey is about so much more than just’s actually more about intentional living than anything! In this article, I’ll share 6 ways that the Powersheets can help you on your debt-free journey.

Year of Trust: 2019 Goals Spring Update

Year of Trust: 2019 Goals Spring Update

Giving your goals a Spring update, by re-writing all of the goals you set at the beginning of the year, will help you put into perspective what areas need more attention or what could be cultivated in a different way. Refreshing your goals helps you re-focus and re-align with what matters most to you. This is the kind of thing that makes you actually achieve your goals and not just set and forget them half-way through the year like main-stream society.

My 2019 Goals: Turning Fear Into Trust

My 2019 Goals: Turning Fear Into Trust

This will be my Year of Trust where I plan to stop letting fear of failure and the unknown, as well as self-doubt, hold me back from what I know is my true potential. I’m sharing the break down of my 2019 goals and how I plan to take my fears + self-doubt and flip them into a cultivated life full of faith + trust.

How to Help Your Kids Not Become Another Money Statistic

How to Help Your Kids Not Become Another Money Statistic

Not Another Money Statistic really fills a gap in the world of personal finance books! This book is such a valuable tool to help our younger generation successfully manage their finances and prevent the mistakes that so many of us older people have already made. 

2017 in Review from A Family on a Journey to Financial Freedom

2017 in Review from A Family on a Journey to Financial Freedom

 I wanted to share a little recap of my 2017 year. I spent most of December resting + reflecting on the amazing year that my family + I had, so I wanted to share with you my goals from the past year, my reflections, lessons learned, + of course lots of photos of my adorable babies (#momlife ...gotta show off the kids, you understand right!?!).
My hope with sharing this little recap with you is to help motivate + inspire you to know how much good much can happen in one short year!

Budgeting from a Husband's Perspective

Budgeting from a Husband's Perspective

Budgeting as a couple is hard! It just is! 
As they say, opposites attract, so it’s pretty common for there to be one spouse that’s the spender, and one that’s the saver. This can cause tons of disagreements when it comes to budgeting, saving, and planning out your financial future.