intentional living

EP. 117 Having an Intentional Holiday

EP. 117 Having an Intentional Holiday

⁠⁠’Tis the season to deck those halls, but what if you’re too overwhelmed to even think about holly and tinsel? In this episode, Sami shares how it is possible to have a simpler and more intentional holiday, and how it could actually make your family closer… and jollier.

How to Declutter Your Budget

How to Declutter Your Budget

This might sound a little surprising, but my family actually got our start with Budgeting through Minimalism! I quickly learned that Minimalism spills into every aspect of your life. It’s about decluttering and simplifying your home, your calendar, your relationships, and even your budget! There are so many benefits to living a simplified clutter-free life, and gaining financial freedom is one of them!

My Favorite Things of 2017

My Favorite Things of 2017

As we come to the end of 2017 I wanted to take a few minutes to share some of my favorite things that have helped me through the past year! I've included a few books that I've read, podcasts + courses that have helped me, personal development resources I've used, + a few random items that I fell in love with this year! I also wanted to shout out a few of my awesome Sunny Side Up Life Community ladies who run a business or a side hustle, as well as a few of my fellow Budgeting Bloggers! I hope that these resources are helpful to you on your own journey!