Post — A Sunny Side Up Life | Sami Womack

EP. 42 Dealing With Debt + Depression

[EP. 42] a sunny side up life podcast thumbnail.png

Mental health and money are arguably two of the most taboo topics of discussion in our society. However, so many people are struggling with not just one, but both, depression and debt. It's important to recognize that while on a debt free journey, you may struggle with a depressive dip - or experience anxiety surrounding money. This journey is not always easy, and your brain may try to sabotage your financial goals and dreams.

Thankfully, there are people in this community like Vee Weir from Vee Frugal Fox, who are open about their own journeys. Through her openness, Vee is helping to eliminate the stigma surrounding both subjects in our culture, and is sharing her best tips with us!


In this episode, Sami + Vee talk about:

  • Both of our mental health journeys

  • Steps to take when dealing with depression while on a debt free journey

  • Why it’s important to take it one day at a time

  • The importance of community

  • When + How to ask for help

  • The importance of saving, especially if you’re struggling with your mental health

  • Vee’s non-traditional advice on saving while in debt

Memorable Quotes:

“You’ve got to take care of yourself first if you ever want to help anyone else.” -Sami

“It’s all a journey, it’s all a process, it’s something that you have to calibrate every day.” -Vee

“What really really helped me was The Baby Steps. Just taking it one step at a time.” -Vee

“When everything else in my life goes awry, I think, ‘What can I control?’ I can control my budget, I can control my numbers. Usually, when I’m super stressed or depressed you’ll find me on my Mint App or writing out my budget.” -Vee

“Sometimes I’ll get anxious when other things are out of my control, and even just logging into my bank account reminds me that I’m in control of something.” -Sami

“I’m a very future-focused person, and that was a lot of what drove my anxiety. I thought I was saving money for the future, but I realized that I’m actually saving for the present as well as the future because it brings me present peace.” -Sami

“Keep on listening to Sami’s podcast because it’s amazing, and a revelation, and I love it.” -Vee

“My mindset behind all of it is that if I can admit that I have depression, I have anxiety, I’ve been in debt…all of these things that are so taboo to talk about…and I can come out the other side of it, I’m laughing about it now, then there’s hope for just about anyone.” -Sami

Resources Mentioned:

Who is our guest?


Vee began her personal finance journey on January 4, 2016. Since that date she has connected with thousands on Instagram following the same path, inspiring debt-free living and mental health advocacy.

Throughout the last four years, she graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, paid off $55k in debt, published a poetry book, and started her own business (Weir Digital Marketing) - all while remaining transparent about her depression and anxiety with her online debt-free family. Her hope is that through her openness, others share their ‘taboo’ money and mental health experiences, eliminating the stigma surrounding both subjects in our culture.

Personal/Budgeting Instagram: @veefrugalfox
Business Instagram: @weirdigitalmarketing 

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I'm the wife to my high school sweetheart, Daniel, + homeschooling momma to our 3 girls. I'm the Budgeting Coach + Motivational Speaker behind 
A Sunny Side Up Life

My family used to be in $490k of debt + living paycheck-to-paycheck, but after we hit rock bottom everything changed for us!

Now that my family has become debt free + gained financial freedom, I want to help your family do the same! My passion is inspiring women to live abundant lives through budgeting, intentional living, and positive thinking.

I offer a jump start into budgeting with my free 8-day Declutter Your Budget Challenge + full budgeting experience with my course, Your Sunny Money Method.


Come follow my day-to-day life over on my Instagram Story