How My Morning Routine Sets Me Up For A Successful Day

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We’ve all heard that the way you start your day sets the tone for the rest of your day, but I’ll be honest, with 3 kids at home...sometimes Momma just wants to sleep-in. I’ve read The Miracle Morning and I’ve listened to guru after guru preach about the benefits of waking up early, but the thing that really gets me motivated to get my butt out of bed is how I feel on the days that I actually do this!

I’ve learned through trial and error over the past few years that when I wake up before my kids I’m in such a better mood and able to achieve so much more throughout my day. Some days this looks like waking up 3 hours before my girls at 6:30 to record a podcast or write a few emails. Other days I’ll sleep-in until 8:30 to allow myself at least an hour or so of quiet time. It doesn’t matter exactly what time you wake up as long as you’re leaving a spot in your morning to fill your cup before you start to pour into others!

My morning quiet time currently consists of listening to either a podcast or an audio book through the Audible App. Right now I’m hooked on The Amber Lilyestrom Show PodcastThe Book of Awakenings by Mark Nepo, and Dare To Lead by Brene Brown.

While I’ve got my earbuds in I’m usually coloring in an adult coloring book, getting started on my recommended 70 oz of daily water, + sipping some cold caramel coffee...and I get an amen for coffee + quiet time!?!

The combination of fueling my body with caffeine + water (the two things a mother needs most), fueling my brain with some new knowledge, + fueling my spirit with some self-love….first thing in the morning...before I’ve changed a bedtime pull-up or poured ANOTHER cup of apple life-giving my friend! We have to love ourselves first, we have to prioritize ourselves, or we can never expect to grow or help others!

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I'm the wife to my high school sweetheart, Daniel, + homeschooling momma to our 3 girls. I'm the Budgeting Coach + Motivational Speaker behind 
A Sunny Side Up Life

My family used to be in $490k of debt + living paycheck-to-paycheck, but after we hit rock bottom everything changed for us!

Now that my family has become debt free + gained financial freedom, I want to help your family do the same! My passion is inspiring women to live abundant lives through budgeting, intentional living, and positive thinking.

I offer a jump start into budgeting with my free 8-day Declutter Your Budget Challenge + full budgeting experience with my course, Your Sunny Money Method.


Come follow my day-to-day life over on my Instagram Story

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